CBD For Your Immunity- Does CBD Oil Help Or Hinder The Body’s Immune Response?Posted by On

To read the original article about Whether CBD Oil Helps or Hinders the Body’s Immune Response at Real Tested CBD.

At the height of the 2020 COVID-19 lockdowns, you may have seen ads reporting on CBD oil’s incredible “immune-boosting” properties. Some pundits even claim CBD could protect against serious viruses the same way many antioxidants can.

While CBD oil shows great potential in the field of immunology, it may not have the effects you’d expect. People who want to use CBD for their immune health must understand the latest research in this evolving field.

As with many other aspects of CBD, we can’t say how this cannabinoid influences the immune response. There are far too few studies on humans to clearly understand how the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and CBD affect immunity.

However, most current research into CBD for immune health suggests CBD is an all-natural immunosuppressant. While that may not seem like “remarkable news” for folks interested in warding off infections, it’s significant for people who struggle with autoimmune conditions.

Apparently, CBD’s natural anti-inflammatory effects seem to help calm down an overactive immune system. There are also preliminary reports that CBD could help patients naturally manage their symptoms with autoimmune conditions. For instance, some patients with rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis may experience relief while taking CBD oil.

While these developments are fascinating, please…

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