Does Full-Spectrum CBD Truly Treat Anxiety?Posted by On

View the original article about Full-Spectrum CBD For Anxiety at Stress Relief CBD Oil.

Nearly 30% of the world’s population has anxiety disorders at some point in time, making it one of the most prevalent mental health conditions. For the treatment of anxiety, a variety of reliable conventional drugs are available, but during long-term therapy, more than half of the patients show side effects. As a result, safer options are always needed. As this is going on, research into the use of full spectrum CBD to treat anxiety is showing promising results, and it is hoped that this will lead to a natural alternative that is universally recognized.

Full-spectrum or whole plant CBD is a type of CBD which contains all the beneficial compounds naturally found in Cannabis plants. These include:

Cannabinoids: Cannabis plants contain more than 100 cannabinoids, including CBD and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which causes the therapeutic and psychoactive effects of cannabis products. CBD doesn’t cause impairment while THC does.

Terpenes: There are more than 150 terpenes in cannabis which gives the plant’s fragrance and are therapeutic too.

Flavonoids: Cannabis has about 20 different flavonoids that are proven to have  anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and neuroprotective properties

After four weeks of treatment with full spectrum CBD, clinical trials in individuals with anxiety have shown decreased anxiety as well as improvements in mood, sleep, and quality of life. Improvements in…

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