High Doses of CBD Oil Won’t Impair Driving Ability, Australian Study FindsPosted by On


Photo by Sebastian Kahnert / picture alliance via Getty Images

Australian researchers have found that even the highest doses of cannabidoil, otherwise known as “CBD”, have “no impact” on a person’s cognitive ability while driving. 

The findings arrive as part of a study conducted by researchers at the University of Sydney, which found that those who had taken 1,500 milligrams of CBD—the highest daily medicinal dose of the ​​cannabis component commonly prescribed—were otherwise able to drive as usual, drawing a consensus with similar studies undertaken around the world. 

“Though CBD is generally considered ‘non-intoxicating’, its effects on safety-sensitive tasks are still being established,” said lead author Dr Danielle McCartney, from the University’s Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics. “Our study is the first to confirm that, when consumed on its own, CBD is driver-safe.”

“Unlike THC, a cannabis component that can induce sedation, euphoria (a high) and impairment, CBD does not appear to intoxicate people. Instead, it has been reported to have calming and pain relief effects.”

As part of the study, researchers had 17 participants undergo simulated driving tasks after taking either a placebo or 15, 300 or 1,500 milligrams of CBD oil, the three most commonly consumed dosages prescribed by doctors.

According to the study, participants were first asked to “maintain a safe” distance between themselves and the vehicle ahead of…

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