Is CBD Good for Colds? | GreenStatePosted by On

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Colds and cases of flu are very common during the whole year. And while they are pretty common during winter, over the span of a year, people in the U.S. suffer over a billion colds, according to CDC estimates.

Since viruses cause colds, they cannot be treated with antibiotics, and most of the time, you’ll have to take something to alleviate some symptoms and let your own system fight back.

That said, some flu symptoms can be pretty light, while others will definitely knock you down and will make you call in sick. Some people have started looking into CBD oil as a possible way to help out these symptoms, especially since antibiotics are out of the equation.

In this article, we’ll tackle which specific symptoms could be alleviated by CBD products, which products may help with better sleep for a stronger immune system, and explore if CBD oil is good for colds.

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