Two killed in Durban CBD shooting during alleged robberyPosted by On

Two people were killed in a shooting in the Durban CBD.

Two people were killed in a shooting in the Durban CBD.

Two people were killed during an alleged robbery in the Durban CBD on Thursday.

ALS paramedic services spokesperson, Garrith Jamieson, said they arrived on scene to find police and other authorities in attendance.

“It is alleged that a robbery was taking place. A security officer attempted to assist the victim when shots were fired. Both the security officer and victim, believed to be in their forties, were found with fatal gunshot wounds.”

Jamieson said both victims were assessed by advanced life support paramedics.

“There was nothing more paramedics could do for them, and they were declared deceased on the scene.”

Comment from KwaZulu-Natal police will be added once received.

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