Virginia Gov. Youngkin’s Substitute Bill Provides Exception For Therapeutic CBD, What’s It About?Posted by On

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin is recommending revisions to a forthcoming state law that would exempt certain non-intoxicating CBD products from stringent regulations on the sale of hemp-based concoctions such as delta-8 products.

According to Virginia Mercury, to avoid crippling the hemp industry, Youngkin is suggesting a carveout for products with a 25-to-1 ratio of CBD to THC, after receiving significant pushback from a proposed rule capping THC at 2 milligrams per package.

A Substitute Bill

Youngkin submitted his proposed changes through a substitute bill, a process typically reserved for substantial legislative amendments rather than minor technical corrections.

The amended bill strengthens the requirement that businesses selling hemp-based edibles or smoking products register with the state and pay a $1,000 fee. Businesses that violate regulations or sell illegal or misbranded products can face fines of up to $10,000 per day.

The governor is taking steps to crack down on the sale of dangerous THC-containing intoxicants, including synthetic substances like delta-8, according to his spokeswoman, Macaulay Porter.

Youngkin’s proposed changes to legislation, to be addressed by the General Assembly on April 12 are heavily influenced by recommendations put forth by the Virginia Cannabis Association, a lobbying group that represents a significant portion of the hemp industry.

Additionally, the governor has suggested some minor modifications to current legislation, including the…

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