Which conditions qualify for medical marijuana possession in Kentucky?Posted by On

Which conditions qualify for medical marijuana possession in Kentucky?

So after hearing directly from Kentucky ins over the summer today, I’m announcing two executive orders. First, I’m signing an executive order that will allow Kentucky ins who meet specific criteria to possess and use small amounts of medical cannabis that is legally purchased in another state to treat specific health conditions. Beginning january 1 2023 I want to be clear that there are several required conditions to qualify and we can put them up first. The cannabis must be lawfully purchased in the United States. In *** state where the purchase is legal and regulated, you must keep your receipt that’s proof that you bought it at one of those places. Second, the amount *** person can purchase and use at any one time must not exceed eight ounces. That is the difference between *** misdemeanor and *** felony under Kentucky law. Each person must also have *** certification from *** licensed health care provider that shows the individual has been diagnosed with at least one of 21 medical conditions which include cancer, multiple sclerosis, post traumatic stress disorder, muscular dystrophy, *** terminal illness and others. You must…

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