8 potential benefits of medical marijuanaPosted by On


People have argued for over a century about whether the benefits of medicinal marijuana outweigh the risks. Supporters of marijuana as medication claim that it has many potential benefits and can alleviate symptoms more effectively than conventional pharmaceuticals. Risks are low since marijuana is generally effective at low doses. Marijuana also may allow patients to reduce or stop using other pain relievers or medications. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to look into each state’s regulations. If you are interested about the laws in our state you can see here a guide on how to get a medical marijuana card in Maryland, fully online.

Here are eight potential benefits of medicinal marijuana.




1. Reducing inflammation

Researchers have found that THC can suppress inflammatory processes, resulting in less pain. They showed the levels of inflammation in patients with osteoarthritis to be significantly lower after they were treated with THC compared with other analgesics. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis who used marijuana had less swelling, reported less pain, and experienced faster recovery than those who did not use marijuana. In several studies, the anti-inflammatory properties of cannabinoids were effective in treating both arthritis and neuropathic pain.

2. Increase appetite

The FDA has approved a synthetic cannabinoid spray known as dronabinol to increase appetite and manage weight loss in people with AIDS. This drug is sometimes prescribed…

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