CBD in F&B? Global market proliferates but Europe’s regulatory roadblocks spur alternativesPosted by On

20 Dec 2023 — Unclear legal frameworks in the EU and UK for cannabidiol (CBD) food and beverage products are stifling innovation and paving the way for alternatives that enjoy more favorable regulatory outlooks, industry insiders are highlighting. However, food safety authorities could yet provide the legal clarity required to stimulate NPD across CBD markets. 

In its last major update, the European Commission determined that CBD can be considered a novel food ingredient. But, while assessing applications, authorities said it had become clear there are knowledge gaps that need to be addressed before reaching a conclusion on the ingredient’s safety.

Meanwhile, the UK government has answered calls to create a legal framework for CBD products. The Association for the Cannabinoid Industry (ACI) suggests regulation is slowly taking shape in the UK and is likely to be settled by…

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