Commentary: It’s time to let athletes use cannabisPosted by On

While public opinion is generally shifting more favourably towards the use of cannabis, there’s one arena where little progress has been made: sports.

According to the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES), there are three criteria involved in prohibiting a substance: the potential to enhance performance, posing a risk to an athlete’s health, and violating “the spirit of sport.” Only two of these criteria must be met to prohibit athletes’ use of a substance.

It has been established that consuming cannabis does reduce delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) that come with playing high-intensity sports, but so does Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen, neither of which happen to be on the World Anti-Doping Association’s (WADA) prohibited list. Ironically, both of these painkillers have more addictive properties than cannabis, and both carry more adverse side-effects

WADA removed Cannabidiolalso known as CBD oila cannabinoid, from the prohibited list in 2018. CBD has been shown to…

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