Despite Lung Warnings, Gusto for Smoking Cannabis PersistsPosted by On

It seems like a no-brainer, and to some degree, it is: lighting plant material on fire and sucking the smoke into your lungs isn’t good for you.

As with tobacco smoke, pot smoke is filled with all kinds of particulates and chemicals that shouldn’t be anywhere near your pulmonary system.

Unlike with tobacco smoke, however, it probably—note the hedge there: probably—won’t kill you, unless perhaps you are a very heavy smoker.

The problem here is the same as it is with most matters relating to cannabis and health: there’s just not enough research to know for sure. But if you need a non-scientific guide, consider this: Willie Nelson, perhaps the most famous pot-smoker on the planet, has stopped smoking pot. He still uses cannabis (after all, this is Willie Nelson we’re talking about) he just no longer smokes it. Presumably, that means he uses edibles.

“I have abused my lungs quite a bit in the past,” the songwriter and country music star, now 87, told a Houston TV station last year. “So breathing is a little more difficult these days and I have to be careful.”

Logic would seem to dictate, given the increasing awareness of pot’s harmful effects on the lungs when smoked and how Covid-19 affects the pulmonary system, that demand for bud would dipped during the pandemic, perhaps driving demand for edibles up.

But that logic turns out not to track in the…

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