How medical marijuana will look on ballots in NovemberPosted by On

Medical marijuana will be on the ballot for Mississippi voters in November, but the choices may be confusing. 


There will be three options for Mississippi voters on the ballot. First, voters will choose to approve or reject the creation of a medical marijuana program in Mississippi. Second, they will be able to reject or approve Initiative 65 and Initiative 65A. Those who choose to reject the creation of a medical marijuana program will still be able to reject or approve 65 and 65A on their ballots. However, for either of these programs to actually be created, the vote for creation of a medical marijuana program must pass. 


Initiative 65 began with Medical Marijuana 2020, a grassroots organization that gained over 200,000 signatures on a petition to put the initiative on the ballot. If passed, it would create an amendment to the state constitution.


Initiative 65 would create a system of self-funded medical marijuana dispensaries administered by…

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