Marijuana users have higher levels of heavy metals in bloodPosted by On

Marijuana users have elevated levels of cadmium and lead in their blood and urine compared to those who abstain, a troubling new study found.  

Analyzing data from a group of more than 7,200 adults, researchers from Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health found that the 358 people who reported using marijuana within the past 30 days had 27% higher blood lead levels, compared to those who said they refrained from both marijuana and tobacco. 

The authors found marijuana users also had 21% high urine lead levels, in addition to 22% higher blood cadmium levels and 18% higher urine cadmium levels, compared to those who didn’t use either marijuana or tobacco. 

The researchers studied data from blood and urine samples collected between 2008 and 2015 as part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which is conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics

They separated 7,254 participants into five categories: non-marijuana/non-tobacco use, exclusive marijuana use, exclusive tobacco use, and dual marijuana and tobacco use. They then measured five different metals in the individuals’ blood and 16 in their urine.

Cannabis planting with smoke in dark room
Marijuana users have higher levels of metals in blood and urine compared to non-users.

Man smoking marijuana joint.
Researchers found the marijuana users had blood lead levels 27% higher compared to those who abstained from cannabis or tobacco use.

“Because the cannabis plant is a…

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