CBG Vs. CBD: Uncover The Differences And Benefits Of Both Cannabinoids Posted by On


According to recent estimates, the global market for cannabidiol (CBD) is growing at a compound annual growth rate of 16.8%, and is expected to be worth a staggering $22.05 billion by 2030.1 

The truth is that CBD has gained enormous popularity as a natural health supplement, particularly among people who live in jurisdictions where tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is prohibited or in cases where people dislike THC’s psychoactive effects. 

But the growth of the industry has bred innovation. This has led scientists to look for even more cannabinoids (chemicals found within the hemp plant) that could potentially be used to bolster overall health and wellness. One such cannabinoid is cannabigerol (CBG). 

This article will explore the differences between CBD and CBG and look at their potential health benefits, side effects, and more. We will also discuss the differences between isolate, full-spectrum, and broad-spectrum CBD vs CBG products and explore their potential benefits. 

For high-quality CBD and CBG products, check out our shop today!

Benefits of CBD Oil Benefits of CBG Oil

What Is CBG? 

Cannabigerol or CBG, like CBD, belongs to a group of substances naturally found in the hemp plant called cannabinoids (more specifically, plant-based cannabinoids or phytocannabinoids). 

About 1% of the total cannabinoid content in hemp is made up of the chemical CBG, which is present in very small amounts in hemp. While cannabinoids like CBD and THC come from fully grown plants, CBG is produced from younger hemp…

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