Google Ends Ban On Advertising Certain Hemp And CBD Products In Parts Of U.S.Posted by On

Google will no longer ban the advertising of certain hemp and CBD products in select parts of the U.S. starting next month.

The internet giant announced last week that it would be updating its “Dangerous Products and Services and Healthcare and Medicines” to permit the cannabis advertising in California, Colorado and Puerto Rico.

As of January 20, 2023, Google said that Food and Drug Administration- (FDA) approved pharmaceuticals that contain cannabidiol—as well as “topical, hemp-derived CBD products with THC content of 0.3 percent or less—can be advertised in those jurisdictions.

“Certain formats, including YouTube Masthead, will not be eligible for serving,” the company said. “CBD will be removed from the Unapproved Pharmaceuticals and Supplements list. All ads promoting other CBD-based products, including supplements, food additives, and inhalants, continue to be disallowed.”

It’s unclear why Google is restricting the policy change to just those two states and one U.S. territory, as hemp and its derivatives like CBD are federally legal, and such products are marketed throughout the country.

Also, the main cannabis-containing pharmaceutical, a drug called Epidiolex that’s used to treat severe seizure disorders, is federally approved, raising further questions about the regional limitation.

Google is working with a company called LegitScript to certify cannabis products for advertising eligibility, and applications can be submitted…

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